My nerdy love for Intellectual Property

While spending my summer at Sony Network Entertainment International in Los Angeles as a Legal Intern working on content acquisition I have become even more interested in Intellectual Property Law. Most people have heard of Criminal Law, Torts, Contracts, Tax Law, Family Law… but IP is a quickly growing field (and in my opinion more relevant and exciting to our every day lives). If you download music, watch videos on YouTube, rent movies On Demand, notice the Coca-Cola cups Randy, Simon and Kara drink out of during American Idol, you have experienced Intellectual Property Law!

Even “I Kissed a Girl” is Intellectual Property

IP is often in the news because it is an interesting area of law that affects “normal people”‘s lives. Here is one article (via Dan Hyman – ) that goes to show intellectual property touches society in every way —  Labels Take on Porn Biz in Copyright Law Suit .

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